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Terms & Conditions.

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE Ltd (TMH) have designed their workshops, courses, groups, 1-2-1's, virtual services, written correspondence such as email or social media to be up to date and factually correct in content at the time of educating, sharing and informing. Content represents the current accepted professional standards with regards to general maternity advice and follows The Code as set by their governing body, the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC). 

The term 'service users' includes the pregnant person and when appropriate, the person(s) who attend the TMH services with them, such as a birth partner.

Users of TMH are required to continue your care with a midwife, GP, obstetrician and/or other appropriate healthcare providers.  All of the TMH services are designed to supplement information, advice and care offered by NHS and core care providers.  TMH content is for general information purposes only and should not under any circumstances be constructed in anyway as medical advice or instruction. You are responsible for the information you accept. 

Users of TMH are responsible for:

Accessing appropriate clinical care, how they choose to use TMH content and their own decision making.  If clinical advice is sought by a service user within a TMH service, the TMH response is never a replacement for clinical care under any circumstances.  In all situations service users will be advised and expected to access clinical care from registered/emergency care providers.

If a TMH user is under the age of sixteen, a parent or guardian must give permission to TMH for TMH to use their personal information as per GDPR guidance. 

All content, information, images etc delivered to users of TMH, by any method, remains the property of The Midwife House Ltd. All content is only for the use of the current TMH service users and cannot be copied, lent, given, shared or transmitted to any other person(s).  To do so would be in breach of copyright laws.



Once TMH has received an enquiry, voucher claim, and/or booking form for prebooked services, THE MIDWIFE HOUSE payment details will be emailed to users of TMH.  On receipt of both a completed booking form and full payment a place on a prebooked TMH service is confirmed.  If you have booked a service through Eventbrite, attended a service that is not prebooked such as Drop-In groups, some virtual services, baby fayres, some 1-2-1's packages etc, payment is required in full at the point of use, or as individually agreed by either cash or card.  Any payment agreed with TMH individually made be with additional terms and conditions and these will be shared as appropriate with the individual service user.

Until your payment is received in full, your booked place will not be guaranteed.  If there is an issue with completing payment, it is the service users' responsibility to inform THE MIDWIFE HOUSE promptly to attempt to resolve the issue together. TMH will work with service users individually to consider each circumstance.  In some circumstances, booking payment expectations may be possible to adapt with pre-agreement.  It is not possible for any adaptions without such agreement, and it is not acceptable to withhold payment. The Midwife House will work with you individually to adapt and complete your payment process where possible. 

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE reserves the right to cancel a booked place if payment is not completed/received and no attempt has been made by the service user to resolve the issue. 


cancellation policy & Refund


  • If a service user needs to miss a TMH prebookable service due to a certified medical reason, where possible, TMH will offer an alternative date.  Please note, content and delivery method may not be identical to the service booked and, in these circumstances, it is entirely dependent on availability of all involved and the suitability of the booked service in each individual circumstances.

  • Under exceptional circumstances, as determined by The Midwife House, a full refund may be considered.

  • If a virtual service is undeliverable due to internet, unexpected device issues etc an alternative date/method will be explored on a case-by-case basis.  Poor battery levels, known device issues and avoidable digital circumstances will not be accommodated and no exchange or refund will be available.

  • Please note, THE MIDWIFE HOUSE reserves the right to cancel any service if necessary. In this situation, the alternative offered may change the dates, times, location and/or method of delivery.  If the change offered is not a suitable alternative it is the service user's responsibility to inform TMH and it will be explored individually.

  • If adaptions to a TMH service is required, for reasons such as (but not exclusive to) national Covid restrictions, any alternative offered will be dependent on TMH availability and government guidelines and rules.

  • All TMH booked services are non-refundable and non-transferrable, unless a refund, exchange, or transfer has been individually agreed due to certified medical reasons, exceptional circumstances and avoidable digital difficulties.


Unforeseen Circumstances

If, for any reason THE MIDWIFE HOUSE needs to reschedule a bookable service, the service user will be given as much notice as possible.  Contact details provided by the service user on the booking form give consent to TMH to make contact by text, phone call, voice message and/or email.  For non-bookable TMH services, the information will be updated via TMH social media channels. In the unlikely event, TMH need to use an alternative local venue no refund will be given if the new venue remains within the same local geographical location.

A full refund will be offered if TMH cancels and is unable to offer an adequate/reasonable venue alternative.  


Health & safety

It is the TMH user's and accompanying person's responsibility to be safe and mindful when assessing their ability to join in a TMH service/activity.  All TMH users must communicate as soon as reasonable possible if there is a need to opt out or have adaptions made.  All complex medical, maternal, physical, mental, and/or other concerns are the responsibility of the TMH user to manage.

When participating, if the service user feels it would be inappropriate to partake/ continue, they are responsible for communicating their need and to making the decision to stop.  If a service user feels unwell whilst at a TMH service, they should seek immediate advice from the appropriate professional healthcare provider/emergency service. All those attending a TMH service have responsibility for an awareness of the surrounding space, specific medical equipment they use, their own confidence with personal movement/capabilities and independent ability to participate within the TMH service and venues.  


If a service has been booked via the TMH website, it is the service user's responsibility to detail relevant medical/other needs to TMH via the booking form.  The service user must accept full responsibility for their own well-being/needs/capabilities.  A joint decision between TMH and service users will be made about the scope of capability and suitability of the service if required. 

TMH is not responsible for your needs in any way and remains an educational service only.  If you choose to not share information, the sole responsibility of the omission is yours.  TMH will not be held responsible in any event.  It remains the service user's responsibility to be safe within their own needs and capabilities at all times, whether this is at pre-bookable and non-bookable TMH services.

TMH is an inclusive service and in no way acts discriminatory intentionally or unintentionally at any time.

Booking a TMH service can only be completed if the TMH Terms & Conditions have been marked as read and accepted on the booking form.

Any TMH service user with medical/other needs who are using a service not booked via the TMH website and/or have not had previous contact with TMH, will be responsible for discussing their needs at the time of using the service.

If the service user and/or others with you, whilst in physical attendance at one of TMH's services require emergency services, TMH will, where possible, contact appropriate emergency services as required, and continue to work within NMC guidelines.  Please note, TMH is not a clinical care provider and may not have access to the clinical details needed by the medical services.  TMH cannot be held for omission of details in such circumstances.

If the TMH service is virtual, TMH will advise service user to self-contact appropriate emergency services as required.  The service user is reminded TMH may or may not have access to their location/address, medical information etc and therefore should not be relied upon if emergency services are required.

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE cannot accept responsibility or are liable for loss, damage or injury to any person or property arising out of/or resulting from attendance to TMH services.  TMH advises service users to take care of themselves, personal property and personal possessions.

THE MIDWIFE HOUSE reserves the right to decline any application to attend any of its services, with or without reason.

If a government rule is enforceable, such as during a Covid epidemic, anyone who attends a TMH service would be expected to conform with national/local guidelines, such as wearing masks etc. 


Medical disclaimer

All forms of contact with TMH including verbal, virtual and/or in person is for educational purposes only.  All content, communication, techniques, materials, information and so on is used by TMH for educational purposes only.  TMH is NOT intended as a medical advice service and therefore TMH will not be held responsible if any service users, use TMH for anything other than educational purposes.  

If the TMH midwives are asked for clinical opinions, it is given purely as an opinion and is not to be considered as medical advice.  TMH users should always seek medical advice from a professional healthcare provider in every instance, TMH is not the service user's clinical health care provider.

THM will not be held responsible for any complications that may arise during pregnancy, labour, birth or postnatally due to information, techniques or communication acquired from TMH.

Please note The Midwife House is unable to advise on personal medical circumstances.  You should always seek medical advice from your professional health providers in every instance.  

In relation to feeding support, TMH area of practice relates to up to 28 days postnatally, due to legal parameters set by the governing body, the NMC.  Any support given after this time period is received with the awareness of this limitation, and appropriate signposting to relevant clinical care providers will always be given by TMH.



TMH is committed to safeguarding and will work within the laws of the land, the guidance of the NMC and content within the TMH safeguarding policy.


intellectual property

TMH is the owner of all intellectual property rights on the TMH website. The content on the website is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

A TMH service user may print off one copy and may download extracts of any page(s) from the TMH website for personal reference.   All material used in this way, must not be modified including paper, digital copies, printed, and/or downloaded versions.  This material must not be utilised separately in any way.

Full Intellectual Property content can be found under Policies within the website.



TMH service users booking via the TMH website agree or disagree to be filmed, recorded, photographed and/or have data collected for sales, marketing and/or promotional purposes.

Any service not booked via the TMH website will require TMH to gain consent prior to filming, recording, photographing and/or collecting data for sales, marketing and/or promotional purposes.  TMH will seek this consent verbally.  It is the responsibility of the TMH service user to inform TMH in writing of a change of mind and any subsequent removal of consent.  TMH will not use content if consent has not been given or consent is removed.





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